


admin    2021-10-19    940


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Don`t judge others subjectively dont judge whith inherent impression

Lily is an ordinary employee of Citibank in Shanghai. Her main responsibility is to sell insurance to customers and then extract profits from the insurance. Today is September 29th, and tomorrow is the last day of this month. So far, none of her clients are willing to buy a policy of 1 million yuan. Looking at the happy smiles on her colleagues' faces, she felt that today's sunshine was no longer warm. The manager of the bank, Marry, told her that if there was no more performance this month, she could prepare to look for another job. In the past three months, her performance is the last one in the branch. Her colleagues told her to focus on the well-dressed customers, who are their potential customers.


For a long time, for people in the financial industry, judging people's wealth from their clothes is one of the ways to get customer information quickly. At three pm, an old woman wearing a Li Ning sportswear came in. Her colleagues, Marry and Lucas, were quick to judge from the woman's clothes that she was not rich and therefore she did not deserve a glass of water nor careful service. The old woman went directly to Lucas and asked for information about the commercial insurance policy. Lucas showed her a standard smile and kindly reminded her that the amount of the policy was very large and hoped that she would seriously consider it. The sun was shining on Lucas's face and I could clearly see the look of disdain on his face.

After asking for other information, the old woman felt the staff's impatience and was ready to leave. I quickly walked up to the woman and told her I could help her. My colleagues looked at me as if to tell me that this was another worthless client. I felt the woman’s need for information and hated the way colleagues simply judged the identity of their guests by their clothes. Every customer who walks into the bank deserves my intimate service.

“ What’s your name” said the woman.

“Lily, what information would you want?”

“I have never bought any insurance, so I would like to know the types of insurance and the best one for me.”

For the next hour and a half, I had a detailed discussion with this elegant woman, and I told her about the types of insurance that Citibank currently offers and the customers for each type of insurance. In the course of the conversation, the woman told me that she has two villas in downtown Shanghai, she has now completed the sale of villas, intending to use the villa money to buy insurance.

“I have two sons, they are living in HK. To tell you the truth, I feel lonely these days. I decide to move to my hometown, Jiangxi Province. The older I am, the more I miss my brothers and sisters.” She wiped tears from her face.

To be honest, the first time I saw this woman, I didn't think she would have such a great wealth. She was wearing a cheap sports coat and shoes from an unknown brand. My colleagues heard the woman's conversation and immediately brought her water. But the woman refused her colleague's water and said she would only talk to me.

As the guest, I think I would like to talk to those who is kindly to me.” said the woman.


On the penultimate day of September, I received the largest amount of insurance I had ever received at work. The old woman bought 10 million yuan of insurance, and I got a profit of 100,000 yuan. She was wearing a plain yellow tracksuit that day, and the sun was shining on her. I feel the warmth of autumn.


Since I joined the financial industry, my colleagues have told me that our customers are rich people, so to determine whether the customer according to clothing is rich is the fastest way. When this method becomes a professional habit, it will affect our judgment. We subconsciously judge customers by our impressions, but life is full of opportunities.



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