


admin    2021-08-11    946


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 (Feasibility and creativity) Clear explanation and elaboration on implementation is expected. Students are expected to develop logical, feasible and creative strategies which meet the market needs


· Implementation is convincingly discussed with sufficient details.

 · The work demonstrates high level of feasibility and creativity.

 · Strong justifications are provided.


5 Develop the marketing strategies that will help the service company gain a foothold in the new market or enhance the performance in the current market. You are not expected to cover all the “Ps”, you should discuss the issues that are most relevant to the service/ service brand chosen.

Service product

o Is any change on the core and supplementary services required? How?

o How will you brand the service product?

o Chapter 4



o Which distribution options will you use? Why?

o Where and when to deliver the service?

o Chapter 5



o What are your target audience and communication objective?

o Which marketing communication mix elements will you use?

o How will you leverage the communication mix elements available via the service

delivery channels? How do you manage messages originate from outside?

o Chapter 7



o How will you flowchart/blueprint the service process?

o Will there be problems of fluctuating demand? How can you smooth out the

fluctuations and manage the capacity?

o Chapter 8-9


Service environment

o How will you design the service environment e.g. the spatial layout, the ambient


o How can it shape customer’s experience, facilitate service encounter and enhance


o Chapter 10


Service employee (Briefly discuss)


o Do the service employees have high vs. low contact with the customers? Does the

nature of the service make the work of the frontline staff particularly demanding?

o How do you manage these issues?

o Chapter 11 


According to HKTDC(2020), Long before the COVID-19 epidemic hit the global economy and hurt restaurants around the world, online food delivery services had already benefited from the trend towards digitalization and urbanization of society, as well as the growing popularity of free food delivery applications that enable users to access and share information more quickly. These trends, coupled with the rise of e-commerce during the global outbreak, have led to new business models, including intra-industry and cross-industry collaboration. A survey of 6,500 HK restaurants since the outbreak showed that online sales had jumped from 15 ‑ 25% before the outbreak to 50% or more. The epidemic provides a great opportunity for the development of Hong Kong's takeout industry.


Due to the restrictions of Hong Kong high land and labor costs, Meituan takeout can not copy its successful cases in the mainland and implement the strategy “brands with no real stores”. With the continuous expansion of the ecological boundary of the O2O takeout industry, an ecological system has been formed, which connects users, businesses and logistics systems, radiates supply chains, shares kitchens and other diversified services.If in the last stage, the focus of the industry is to digitalize the demand side and demand side of localized life clothing, then the takeaway industry has started the process of digitalization to the supply side with the support of new development technology and policy. Meituan Takeaway in the Hong Kong market can support and develop the next generation stores, that is, businesses can enter the Meituan Takeaway app, using the data provided by Meituan takeout to businesses to complete a new business operation.With the help of the data system of Meituan Takeaway platform, businesses can rationally plan the store pattern and choose the appropriate geographical location according to their own development needs, and distinguish between the dining area and the takeout area, effectively and reasonably place the takeout window and the dining window, so as to achieve the division of takeout riders and dining guests, without intersection and mutual influence.


According to the consumer's travel fee, the takeaway O2O consumer group can be divided into university student group, business white-collar group and life area group. College students are sensitive to price, relatively insensitive to food quality and delivery timethey will be an important part of the future business white-collar group.In particular, many universities in Hong Kong have a large number of mainland Chinese groups, who are already very familiar with Meituan takeout. The prices of canteens in these universities are generally high. In order to cater to the tastes of students all over the world, these universities have opened food windows of all countries in the world. Students from the Chinese mainland, who prefer Chinese food at reasonable prices, will be the main college students of Meituan's future customers. Business white-collar group, mainly concentrated in office buildings in busy areas of Hong Kong, is highly intensive, with high frequency, unit price consumption, high viscosity, insensitive to price, and has a greater demand for logistics punctual distribution, quality and diversified services, which is the focus of Meituan takeout O2O platform. Living smart district group mainly concentrate in the living area. Their price sensitivity is not high, paying more attention to the demand for high quality dining, as well as the quality of dining and dining experience. Their penetration difficulty is high, but once the habit to form, user loyalty will be very high. At the present stage, the overall scale of Hong Kong's living area market is relatively small, and needs to be further explored. This group can become the next key segment market of Meituan takeout.







Works cited

HKTDC (2020). Out of the Epidemic Situation: Food Delivery Platform. Economic and Trade Research. https://research.hktdc.com/sc/article/NDkyODA1NjM1



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