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Let's go for a walk in the garden.

__________, but I need to do the washing-up first. 

·A)Good idea


·B)That's right


·C)Nothank you


·D)Not at all



Jenny, it's raining outside. Shall I give you a ride?

Thanks. __________. 

·A)Of course if you like


·B)It couldn't be better


·C)Mind your own business


·D)That's a deal



What should I wear for the party, darling?

__________ We're already late! 

·A)Come on!


·B)How come!


·C)It's a long story


·D)Don't mention it



Sir, how do you like your steak cooked?






·C)It's delicious





Just now, I was told that I got a promotion in my department.

__________! Thats great news.



·B)Calm down




·D)Come on


二、Part Vocabulary and Structure 


I have a _______ to make I lied about my age.










They managed to _______ until help arrived.

·A)hold on


·B)hold forth


·C)hold away


·D)hold with



It was me _______ broke the vase.










The two teams are _______ for the championships.










Pop music is such an important part of society _______ it has even influenced our language.










According to the report, residents of Hawaii have the longest life _______: 77.2 years.










Mums pizza is always so good I cant wait to ________ it!

·A)dig into


·B)turn on


·C)make for


·D)cater for



We cannot help but _______ his courage.

·A)to admire









It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house _____________ we saw Lily in the passenger seat.










He couldnt speak English _____________ he lost a chance to work in a foreign company.

·A)now that


·B)such that


·C)so that


·D)given that


三、Part Reading Comprehension 


Passage A 

College life is not only a time to form studentsmind and train their life skills, but also a time to reshape their relations with their parents. Many college students especially those who live on campus, are caught in a dilemma between dependence and independence. They may have to do their own grocery shopping, but their parents may pay the bill; they may live in a dorm, but their home is still their parentshouse. And this dilemma may lead to healthy evolution in their relationship with their parents.

In a recent survey of about 14,500 college students in the U.S., three out of five respondents said their relationshipwith their parents had improved since they started college, and a quarter said the relationship was much better. Perhaps it is partly because geographical distance makes them appreciate their parents better. Their tendency to describe the relationship as improved could indicate a shift in how they viewthe role of the parent as an adviser rather than an authoritarian,says Duncan, an education professor.

Duncan considers the relationship between parents and college students more than open than it was when she was a young adult. She says, Its like theyre interdependent, and coming through this college process together.

Since about 10 years ago, parents have played a more active role in their kidscollege experiences. It may be because tuition has become expensive. But Duncan thinks that it also has to do with the growing use of technology in schools. Parents have greater access to their kidsschool lives than ever before  through text communication with teachers and through real-time reports of kidsacademic progress and behavior. This can be good news for college students, especially given all the stress of modern-day college life. So their entire educational experience has been collective as the parent and the child travel through school together,Duncansays.

This interdependence can lead to a more satisfying parent-child relationship in the long run. As long as parents see their role as advisors rather than trying to hold on to their authority, they can better prepare their kids for adulthood, and improve their relationship with them as well.


For college students who live on campus, what does the dilemma between dependence and interdependence lead to? 

·A)Formation of their minds.


·B)Better academic performance.


·C)Improvement of their life skills.


·D)A healthier relationship with their parents.



In a recent survey, what percentage of the respondents said their relationship with their parents had improved since they started college?










How do college students view the role of their parents according to the survey?










Why have parents played a more active role in their kids college experiences since about 10 years ago?

·A)They pay more attention to communicating with their kids.


·B)They often call teachers for the information about their kids.


·C)They give advice to their kids on how to pay the tuition by themselves.


·D)They have greater access to their kidsacademic progress and behavior.



What might be the title of the passage? 

·A)College students are changing.


·B)College students parents are changing.


·C)The parent-child relationship is evolving.


·D)College may change the parent-child relationship.




Passage B 

China is listed among the four ancient civilizations in the world. Its over-5,000-year history has witnessed the creation of many traditional Chinese festivals such as the Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival. According to their origins, Chinese festivals mainly fall into three categories agricultural, cultural, and social festivals. According to their content, they can be divided into five kinds, including agricultural, sacrificial, commemorative, recreational, and celebratory festivals. Of all the traditional festivals in China, the Spring Festival and Mid-autumn Festival are the most important to some Chinese people.

Though the lifestyle of Chinese people has kept changing over the years, the importance of the traditional festivals in the life of Chinese people has not faded. Some festivals have even absorbed modern elementswhichgive them much life. Each festival has a different way of celebration, and even for the same traditional festival, people celebrate it in a slightly different way in different areas of China.

Along with the major festivals, many other traditional festivals are also observed in modern China. For instance, there are some charming ethnic festivals, like the Torch Festival for the Yi people, the Water-splashing Festival for the Dai people, and the Naadam Festival for the Mongolian people.

Traditional festivals are also strong bonds reinforcing the cultural identity of the Chinese nation.


Which is NOT a type of traditional Chinese festivals?

·A)Social festivals.


·B)Cultural festivals.


·C)Historical festivals.


·D)Agricultural festivals.



What can be learned from the passage? 

·A)The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China.


·B)The Spring Festival is different from the Chinese New Year.


·C)The Mid-autumn Festival is not important to Chinese people.


·D)The Mid-autumn Festival is not a traditional festival for Chinese people.



How do traditional Chinese festivals evolve?

·A)Some traditional Chinese festivals have absorbed modern elements.


·B)The importance of traditional Chinese festivals has gradually faded.


·C)Traditional Chinese festivals have kept changing over the years.


·D)Nowadaysmore and more people choose to celebrate traditional Chinese festivals in their own ways.



Which ethnic group celebrates the Torch Festival?

·A)The Dai ethnic group.


·B)The Miao ethnic group.


·C)The Yi ethnic group.


·D)The Mongolian ethnic group.



What does the passage mainly talk about?

·A)The importance of traditional Chinese festivals.


·B)Different types of traditional Chinese festivals.


·C)A general introduction to traditional Chinese festivals.


·D)Similarities between traditional Chinese festivals and Western festivals.



四、Part IV Blank Filling 


The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival that is to remember Qu Yuan, an ancient Chinese poet. It is __1__ on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese lunar calendar.

As it is a public holiday, almost all government offices, schools, and enterprises are closed, and the __2__ public is given a day off.

There are many __3__ activities on this holiday. People eat zongzi, which is made of glutinous rice __4__ with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo, reed, or other large flat leaves. People also __5__ dragon boat races. During races, the boats are fitted out with a colorful dragon head and tail. Other activities that people do __6__ drinking realgar (雄黄) wine, pasting portraits of Zhong Kui (a mythic guardian figure), __7__ mugwort (艾蒿) or calamus (菖蒲) on the door of their homes, writing spells, and wearing perfumed __8__ bags. These activities are believed to be effective ways to __9__ diseases and evil spirits.

As one of the most important lunar __10__ in China, the Dragon Boat Festival was added to the UNESCOs Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009.

Just now, I was told that I got a promotion in my department.

__________! Thats great news.


B)Come on


D)Calm down


May I have some more chicken? It's really delicious.


A)Of course. Help yourself

B)It's yummy

C)Absolutely not

D)More foodplease


How do you calculate the fee of moving?

Well, __________.

A)we are professional movers

B)the cost is still too high

C)the cost has been cut by 30 to 50 percent

D)the cost depends on the floor you are moving to


I'm excited to go out this weekend.

__________. We've got so much work to do at that time.

A)Remind me

B)Don't mention it

C)Don't say so

D)Forget it


Heres a gift for you. I bought it in China.


A)How much did it cost?

B)Sorry to have bothered you.

C)It must be very expensive.

D)Wowit is great! Thank you.

二、Part Vocabulary and Structure

答题要求 :

Directions: In this part of the test, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the one that best completes the sent...


We cannot help but _______ his courage.

A)to admire





The chairman will meet with officials from several provinces to discuss ways to promote good _______.






The two teams are _______ for the championships.






I have a _______ to make I lied about my age.






Pop music is such an important part of society _______ it has even influenced our language.






It was me _______ broke the vase.






_______, his plan ended in failure.






Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century _______ his musical gift was fully recognized.






_______ are usually the first things that attract tourists and they are icons of the cities.






According to the report, residents of Hawaii have the longest life _______: 77.2 years.





三、Part Reading Comprehension

答题要求 :

Directions: In this part of the test, there are two passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are...


Passage B

China is listed among the four ancient civilizations in the world. Its over-5,000-year history has witnessed the creation of many traditional Chinese festivals such as the Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival. According to their origins, Chinese festivals mainly fall into three categories agricultural, cultural, and social festivals. According to their content, they can be divided into five kinds, including agricultural, sacrificial, commemorative, recreational, and celebratory festivals. Of all the traditional festivals in China, the Spring Festival and Mid-autumn Festival are the most important to some Chinese people.

Though the lifestyle of Chinese people has kept changing over the years, the importance of the traditional festivals in the life of Chinese people has not faded. Some festivals have even absorbed modern elementswhichgive them much life. Each festival has a different way of celebration, and even for the same traditional festival, people celebrate it in a slightly different way in different areas of China.

Along with the major festivals, many other traditional festivals are also observed in modern China. For instance, there are some charming ethnic festivals, like the Torch Festival for the Yi people, the Water-splashing Festival for the Dai people, and the Naadam Festival for the Mongolian people.

Traditional festivals are also strong bonds reinforcing the cultural identity of the Chinese nation.


Which is NOT a type of traditional Chinese festivals?

A)Social festivals.

B)Cultural festivals.

C)Historical festivals.

D)Agricultural festivals.


What can be learned from the passage?

A)The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China.

B)The Spring Festival is different from the Chinese New Year.

C)The Mid-autumn Festival is not important to Chinese people.

D)The Mid-autumn Festival is not a traditional festival for Chinese people.


How do traditional Chinese festivals evolve?

A)Some traditional Chinese festivals have absorbed modern elements.

B)The importance of traditional Chinese festivals has gradually faded.

C)Traditional Chinese festivals have kept changing over the years.

D)Nowadaysmore and more people choose to celebrate traditional Chinese festivals in their own ways.


Which ethnic group celebrates the Torch Festival?

A)The Dai ethnic group.

B)The Miao ethnic group.

C)The Yi ethnic group.

D)The Mongolian ethnic group.


What does the passage mainly talk about?

A)The importance of traditional Chinese festivals.

B)Different types of traditional Chinese festivals.

C)A general introduction to traditional Chinese festivals.

D)Similarities between traditional Chinese festivals and Western festivals.


Passage A

College life is not only a time to form studentsmind and train their life skills, but also a time to reshape their relations with their parents. Many college students especially those who live on campus, are caught in a dilemma between dependence and independence. They may have to do their own grocery shopping, but their parents may pay the bill; they may live in a dorm, but their home is still their parentshouse. And this dilemma may lead to healthy evolution in their relationship with their parents.

In a recent survey of about 14,500 college students in the U.S., three out of five respondents said their relationshipwith their parents had improved since they started college, and a quarter said the relationship was much better. Perhaps it is partly because geographical distance makes them appreciate their parents better. Their tendency to describe the relationship as improved could indicate a shift in how they viewthe role of the parent as an adviser rather than an authoritarian,says Duncan, an education professor.

Duncan considers the relationship between parents and college students more than open than it was when she was a young adult. She says, Its like theyre interdependent, and coming through this college process together.

Since about 10 years ago, parents have played a more active role in their kidscollege experiences. It may be because tuition has become expensive. But Duncan thinks that it also has to do with the growing use of technology in schools. Parents have greater access to their kidsschool lives than ever before through text communication with teachers and through real-time reports of kidsacademic progress and behavior. This can be good news for college students, especially given all the stress of modern-day college life. So their entire educational experience has been collective as the parent and the child travel through school together,Duncansays.

This interdependence can lead to a more satisfying parent-child relationship in the long run. As long as parents see their role as advisors rather than trying to hold on to their authority, they can better prepare their kids for adulthood, and improve their relationship with them as well.


For college students who live on campus, what does the dilemma between dependence and interdependence lead to?

A)Formation of their minds.

B)Better academic performance.

C)Improvement of their life skills.

D)A healthier relationship with their parents.


In a recent survey, what percentage of the respondents said their relationship with their parents had improved since they started college?






How do college students view the role of their parents according to the survey?






Why have parents played a more active role in their kids college experiences since about 10 years ago?

A)They pay more attention to communicating with their kids.

B)They often call teachers for the information about their kids.

C)They give advice to their kids on how to pay the tuition by themselves.

D)They have greater access to their kidsacademic progress and behavior.


What might be the title of the passage?

A)College students are changing.

B)College students parents are changing.

C)The parent-child relationship is evolving.

D)College may change the parent-child relationship.

四、Part IV Blank Filling

答题要求 :

Directions: In this part of the test, there are ten blanks. You are required to choose one word for each blank from a list of choices given in the word bank below to complete the passage. Read the pas...


The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival that is to remember Qu Yuan, an ancient Chinese poet. It is __1__ on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese lunar calendar.

As it is a public holiday, almost all government offices, schools, and enterprises are closed, and the __2__ public is given a day off.

There are many __3__ activities on this holiday. People eat zongzi, which is made of glutinous rice __4__ with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo, reed, or other large flat leaves. People also __5__ dragon boat races. During races, the boats are fitted out with a colorful dragon head and tail. Other activities that people do __6__ drinking realgar (雄黄) wine, pasting portraits of Zhong Kui (a mythic guardian figure), __7__ mugwort (艾蒿) or calamus (菖蒲) on the door of their homes, writing spells, and wearing perfumed __8__ bags. These activities are believed to be effective ways to __9__ diseases and evil spirits.

As one of the most important lunar __10__ in China, the Dragon Boat Festival was added to the UNESCOs Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009.

Could you be so kind as to close the window?


A)With pleasure

B)That's Okay

C)No way



Though everyone played well, we lost the game.


A)That's what I expected.

B)I'm sorry.


D)What a pity!


May I see the menu? I've been waiting for about twenty minutes already.


A)I don't think so

B)Be patient please. It takes time

C)Yesplease go on

D)I'm sorry. Here you aresir


Excuse me, would you please show me the way to the hospital?


A)Go forwardplease.

B)I know it.

C)Just go on and on.

D)Where shall we go?


Hello, John. This is Alice. I'm calling from work. How's your mother feeling?

__________. Mum is out of hospital, but she has to stay in bed for a few more days.

A)You're welcome

B)By all means

C)How thoughtful of you

D)With a great pleasure

二、Part Vocabulary and Structure

答题要求 :

Directions: In this part of the test, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the one that best completes the sent...


She has four _______ changes during the play.  






It is illegal to sell cigarettes to _______ because they are under age 18 and cannot smoke.






The _______ of phubbing group (低头族) getting increasingly large is spreading worldwide, causing many problems such as traffic accidents.






The book shows only a(n) _______ understanding of the historical context.






Crime is increasing worldwide, and there is every reason to believe the _______ will continue into the next decade.






Tell Jack that theres someone _______ for him at the door.


B)to wait




The new policy will _______ the company against fraud.






We would like to see closer _______ between parents and schools.






His family _____________ him into going to Pakistan, and once he was there, they took away his passport.






She will try her best _______ she is asked.



C)even if


三、Part Reading Comprehension

答题要求 :

Directions: In this part of the test, there are two passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are...


Passage B

Recreational activities are quite common on college campus in China. If you pay enough attention to your surroundings, you might find all kinds of posters on campus introducing recreational activities hosted by different associations at college. Almost every day there are activities like talent shows, speech contests, and school parties for you to choose. They have become an important part of the college life. It is widely believed that recreational activities are meaningful and necessary to the life of college students. Without them, the campus life would become rather boring, which does no good to studentsdevelopment.

As a college student, I strongly suggest that various recreational activities should be hosted on campus. As we all know, college life gives us much more freedom than high school. However, many students dont know how to deal with the freedom. Recreational activities would be a good choice forus because they can make our life more colorful. Besides, taking part in such activities is a good way to discover or develop our interest in different fields. When we have interest in something, we would learn more about it, which could well broaden our horizons. Although recreational activities are usually regarded as entertainments, it is no denying that they are also opportunities for students to learn. For example, if we are in charge of an activity, we would learn how to host it, which might be a valuable experience for our future job. More importantly, we can learn how to communicate with others and work as a group, and we can make more friends through participating in these activities, which is a good way to practice our social skills.

All in all, college life cannot go on without recreational activities. I hope that more and more interesting recreational activities would be hosted at college.


Which of the following does NOT belong to the recreational activities on campus?

A)Talent shows.

B)School parties.

C)Speech contests.

D)Festive celebrations.


How do many people think about recreational activities on campus?




D)Meaningful and necessary.


Why does the writer think recreational activities should be hosted on campus?

A)Students at college have more freedom.

B)Students at college have more spare time.

C)Students at college have great pressure from study.

D)Students at college have great demand for entertainment.


What is the benefit of recreational activities for college students?

A)They provide them opportunities to learn.

B)They make their college life busy.

C)They help them develop a sense of responsibility.

D)They help them make progress in their study.


What might be the title of the passage?

A)College associations.

B)Colorful life at college.

C)Recreational activities on campus.

D)Recreational activities and entertainments.


Passage A

China is the hometown of chopsticks. The culture of chopsticks has a long history in China. Chopsticks are most commonly made of bamboo, but are also made of metal, wood, and other materials. The correct way of holding chopsticks is to hold them in the middle, making sure that the ends are even. When you dont use them, you can lay them beside your bowl or plate.

There are some taboos about using chopsticks in China. It is poor etiquette to tap chopsticks on the edge of your bowl, as beggars are believed to make this noise to attract attention. It is impolite to stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl because, in most parts of China, it indicates the food is for the dead. It is also considered poor etiquette to point chopsticks toward others seated at the table. Dont wave chopsticks above the dishes. Avoid sucking the ends of your chopsticks or keeping them in your mouth for a long time. Dont usethem toprick food in order to pick it up. These are all considered impolite and rude by Chinese people.

With the improvement of their health awareness, Chinese people are paying more attention to hygiene (卫生). Serving chopsticks (公筷) are used to take food from dishes. These chopsticks are to be returned to the dishes after one has served themselves, and are often of a different color from the rest.

The invention of chopsticks reflects the wisdom of ancient Chinese people. A pair of chopsticks, though simple, can nip, pick, and tip food. Nowadays, chopsticks are considered lucky gifts for marriage and other important ceremonies.

Moreover, with the growing global influence of China, the tradition of using chopsticks as tableware has been introduced to many other countries in the world such as Japan, South Korea, and Thailand.


What materials are used to make chopsticks according to the passage?

A)Metal or bone.

B)Stone or metal.

C)Bamboo or wood.

D)Bamboo or plastic.


What is the correct way to use chopsticks?

A)Tap chopsticks on the edge of your bowl.

B)Use chopsticks to prick food in order to pick it up.

C)Point chopsticks toward others seated at the table.

D)Hold chopsticks in the middlemaking sure that the ends are even.


Which of the following is true about serving chopsticks?

A)Serving chopsticks are usually used by sick people.

B)Serving chopsticks have always existed in Chinese culture.

C)Serving chopsticks are to be returned to the dishes after being used.

D)Serving chopsticks are often of the same color with other chopsticks.


What can be learned from the passage?

A)Chopsticks are used only for picking food.

B)Chopsticks are often bought before marriage.

C)Chopsticks are considered lucky gifts for funerals.

D)Chopsticks reflect the wisdom of ancient Chinese people.


What might be the title of the passage?

A)Chinese chopstick culture.

B)Taboos about using chopsticks.

C)The proper ways of using chopsticks.

D)The popularity of Chinese chopsticks.

四、Part IV Blank Filling

答题要求 :

Directions: In this part of the test, there are ten blanks. You are required to choose one word for each blank from a list of choices given in the word bank below to complete the passage. Read the pas...


Nowadays, more and more recreational activities appear on college campus. Some colleges even __1__ recreation centers to meet the demand of students. While some students __2__ recreational activities an important part of their college lives, __3__ dont like to join in any recreational activity. Students who enjoy entertaining themselves by __4__ in recreational activities would like to spend lots of their time on them. This is because such activities not only help __5__ abilities such as time management and communication, but also help __6__ their lives. Whats more, the good mood after recreational activities can make them study more __7__. However, other students __8__ of such activities because they think they dont have enough time. They want to __9__ on their studies. Still others dont like recreational activities because of their introverted __10__. Whats your opinion on recreational activities on campus?

Part Co... Part Vo... Part Re... Part IV Bl...


已做 未做

Part Communication

1 2 3 4 5

Part Vocabulary and Structure

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Part Reading Comprehension

16 17

Part IV Blank Filling



一、Part Communication

答题要求 :

Directions: In this part of the test, there are 5 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the one that best completes the dialogue. ...


I suppose there'll be a lot of arguments.


A)No big deal

B)I should think so

C)That's a good idea

D)As you like it


What should I wear for the party, darling?

__________ We're already late!

A)Come on!

B)Don't mention it

C)It's a long story

D)How come!


Cheer up, and things will be much better.


A)My pleasure

B)Thank you very much

C)It's OK

D)I won't believe your words


Sorry to interrupt your phone call. This is a library, and you are talking too loudly.


A)I'm sorry.

B)You are welcome.

C)That's OK.

D)Am I talking quietly?


Can I get you a cup of tea?



B)Noplease don't

C)YesI'd like coffee

D)With pleasure

二、Part Vocabulary and Structure

答题要求 :

Directions: In this part of the test, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the one that best completes the sent...


_______ you heat ice, it turns to water.




D)If only


The _______ of phubbing group (低头族) getting increasingly large is spreading worldwide, causing many problems such as traffic accidents.






I wont let you in _______ you show me your pass.


B)as if




In Britain, people _______ four million tons of potatoes every year.






If you have perseverance, I believe you can overcome your _______ to computer games.






Tell Jack that theres someone _______ for him at the door.


B)to wait




Our goods are better _______ product quality, reliability and above all variety.  

A)rather than

B)in honor of

C)other than

D)in terms of


Well have a picnic in the park this Sunday _______ it rains or its very cold.






Dont use words, expressions, or phrases _______ only to people with specific knowledge.

A)being known


C)to be known

D)having been known


His family _____________ him into going to Pakistan, and once he was there, they took away his passport.





三、Part Reading Comprehension

答题要求 :

Directions: In this part of the test, there are two passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are...


Passage A

China is the hometown of chopsticks. The culture of chopsticks has a long history in China. Chopsticks are most commonly made of bamboo, but are also made of metal, wood, and other materials. The correct way of holding chopsticks is to hold them in the middle, making sure that the ends are even. When you dont use them, you can lay them beside your bowl or plate.

There are some taboos about using chopsticks in China. It is poor etiquette to tap chopsticks on the edge of your bowl, as beggars are believed to make this noise to attract attention. It is impolite to stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl because, in most parts of China, it indicates the food is for the dead. It is also considered poor etiquette to point chopsticks toward others seated at the table. Dont wave chopsticks above the dishes. Avoid sucking the ends of your chopsticks or keeping them in your mouth for a long time. Dont usethem toprick food in order to pick it up. These are all considered impolite and rude by Chinese people.

With the improvement of their health awareness, Chinese people are paying more attention to hygiene (卫生). Serving chopsticks (公筷) are used to take food from dishes. These chopsticks are to be returned to the dishes after one has served themselves, and are often of a different color from the rest.

The invention of chopsticks reflects the wisdom of ancient Chinese people. A pair of chopsticks, though simple, can nip, pick, and tip food. Nowadays, chopsticks are considered lucky gifts for marriage and other important ceremonies.

Moreover, with the growing global influence of China, the tradition of using chopsticks as tableware has been introduced to many other countries in the world such as Japan, South Korea, and Thailand.


What materials are used to make chopsticks according to the passage?

A)Metal or bone.

B)Stone or metal.

C)Bamboo or wood.

D)Bamboo or plastic.


What is the correct way to use chopsticks?

A)Tap chopsticks on the edge of your bowl.

B)Use chopsticks to prick food in order to pick it up.

C)Point chopsticks toward others seated at the table.

D)Hold chopsticks in the middlemaking sure that the ends are even.


Which of the following is true about serving chopsticks?

A)Serving chopsticks are usually used by sick people.

B)Serving chopsticks have always existed in Chinese culture.

C)Serving chopsticks are to be returned to the dishes after being used.

D)Serving chopsticks are often of the same color with other chopsticks.


What can be learned from the passage?

A)Chopsticks are used only for picking food.

B)Chopsticks are often bought before marriage.

C)Chopsticks are considered lucky gifts for funerals.

D)Chopsticks reflect the wisdom of ancient Chinese people.


What might be the title of the passage?

A)Chinese chopstick culture.

B)Taboos about using chopsticks.

C)The proper ways of using chopsticks.

D)The popularity of Chinese chopsticks.


Passage B

Recreational activities are quite common on college campus in China. If you pay enough attention to your surroundings, you might find all kinds of posters on campus introducing recreational activities hosted by different associations at college. Almost every day there are activities like talent shows, speech contests, and school parties for you to choose. They have become an important part of the college life. It is widely believed that recreational activities are meaningful and necessary to the life of college students. Without them, the campus life would become rather boring, which does no good to studentsdevelopment.

As a college student, I strongly suggest that various recreational activities should be hosted on campus. As we all know, college life gives us much more freedom than high school. However, many students dont know how to deal with the freedom. Recreational activities would be a good choice forus because they can make our life more colorful. Besides, taking part in such activities is a good way to discover or develop our interest in different fields. When we have interest in something, we would learn more about it, which could well broaden our horizons. Although recreational activities are usually regarded as entertainments, it is no denying that they are also opportunities for students to learn. For example, if we are in charge of an activity, we would learn how to host it, which might be a valuable experience for our future job. More importantly, we can learn how to communicate with others and work as a group, and we can make more friends through participating in these activities, which is a good way to practice our social skills.

All in all, college life cannot go on without recreational activities. I hope that more and more interesting recreational activities would be hosted at college.


Which of the following does NOT belong to the recreational activities on campus?

A)Talent shows.

B)School parties.

C)Speech contests.

D)Festive celebrations.


How do many people think about recreational activities on campus?




D)Meaningful and necessary.


Why does the writer think recreational activities should be hosted on campus?

A)Students at college have more freedom.

B)Students at college have more spare time.

C)Students at college have great pressure from study.

D)Students at college have great demand for entertainment.


What is the benefit of recreational activities for college students?

A)They provide them opportunities to learn.

B)They make their college life busy.

C)They help them develop a sense of responsibility.

D)They help them make progress in their study.


What might be the title of the passage?

A)College associations.

B)Colorful life at college.

C)Recreational activities on campus.

D)Recreational activities and entertainments.

四、Part IV Blank Filling

答题要求 :

Directions: In this part of the test, there are ten blanks. You are required to choose one word for each blank from a list of choices given in the word bank below to complete the passage. Read the pas...


Nowadays, more and more recreational activities appear on college campus. Some colleges even __1__ recreation centers to meet the demand of students. While some students __2__ recreational activities an important part of their college lives, __3__ dont like to join in any recreational activity. Students who enjoy entertaining themselves by __4__ in recreational activities would like to spend lots of their time on them. This is because such activities not only help __5__ abilities such as time management and communication, but also help __6__ their lives. Whats more, the good mood after recreational activities can make them study more __7__. However, other students __8__ of such activities because they think they dont have enough time. They want to __9__ on their studies. Still others dont like recreational activities because of their introverted __10__. Whats your opinion on recreational activities on campus?

My professor and I have seen your paintings at the exhibition. They are so creative!


A)Good for you

B)No problem

C)Thank you

D)Not at all


I'm excited to go out this weekend.

__________. We've got so much work to do at that time.

A)Don't mention it

B)Remind me

C)Forget it

D)Don't say so


Can I get you a cup of tea?


A)Noplease don't


C)With pleasure

D)YesI'd like coffee


Sir, how do you like your steak cooked?





D)It's delicious


I am thinking of the test tomorrow. I'm afraid I can't pass this time.

__________! I'm sure you'll make it.

A)Cheer up

B)Go on

C)Good luck

D)No problem

二、Part Vocabulary and Structure

答题要求 :

Directions: In this part of the test, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the one that best completes the sent...


I promise to _______ class on time and do all my homework.






_______ bad weather, the flight to Rome has been cancelled.

A)Speak of

B)Owing to

C)No matter

D)Thanks to


The students _______ problems in their task and the teacher came to see what had gone wrong.






The patient was warned _______ spicy food after the operation.

A)not eating

B)to eat not

C)eating not

D)not to eat


Scientists will _______ new ways to deal with the epidemic.

A)keep up with

B)come up with

C)catch up with

D)make up with


Most teenagers _______ a period of rebelling.

A)go over

B)go through

C)go by

D)go to


She said to me, My mother took me to an exhibition yesterday.

She told me that her mother had taken _______ to an exhibition the day before.






The police carried out a ____________ investigation.






Jack said to me, You look worried today.

Jack told me that _______ worried _______.

A)I looked; that day

B)he looks; today

C)you look; today

D)we looked; that day


She pretended _______ me when I passed by.

A)having not seen

B)not to see

C)not seeing

D)to not see

三、Part Reading Comprehension

答题要求 :

Directions: In this part of the test, there are two passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are...


Passage B

Nowadays, the characteristics of the Internet such as interaction and sharing resources have provided favorable conditions for autonomous and collaborative learning.

Autonomous learning is independent learning. It is not only a learning process but also a kind of learning ability. It consists of three aspects. First, autonomous learning involves a prior arrangement of ones own learning activity. Second, it requires management, monitoring, evaluation of, and feedback on sis ones own learning activity. Finally, it includes adjustment and modification of ones own learning activity.

Collaborative learning is based on groups. Groups of two or more learners work together to solve problems, complete tasks, or learn new concepts. It actively engages learners to process and synthesize information and concepts rather than using rote memorization of facts and figures. Through defending their positions, reframing ideas, listening to other viewpoints, and articulating their points, learners will gain a more complete understanding as a group than they could as individuals. So it can maximize individualslearning achievements.

Autonomous learning and collaborative learning are complementary. In autonomous learning, learnersabilities of understanding and comprehending problems are limited due to their own conditions whereas collaborative learning can facilitate learnersdiscussion and help them to reach the goal of solving problems. Thus, we can say autonomous learning is the basis of collaborative learning while collaborative learning is the improvement and enhancement of autonomous learning.

With the development of our society, there have been new demands on individuals. Learners should have not only the ability of independent learning but also collaborative learning capability based on teamwork.

In recent years, researchers and instructors have done muchresearch on how the Internet assisted autonomous learning and collaborative learning respectively. However, how to make good use of the Internet in assisting autonomous and collaborative learning remains controversial. Therefore, the most urgent task is to find out a new teaching mode which will be beneficial to cultivating learnersautonomous and collaborative learning abilities.


Whats the favorable condition for developing autonomous and collaborative learning?

A)The new demands of society.

B)The characteristics of the Internet.

C)The rapid development of technology.

D)The desires of people for improvement.


Which of the following is true about autonomous learning?

A)It is independent learning.

B)It is teacher-centered learning.

C)It is a low-level learning method.

D)It is a kind of learning ability rather than a learning process.


Which of the following is true about collaborative learning?

A)It is based on groups of at least five members.

B)It is based on memorization of facts and figures.

C)It is to minimize every individual's learning achievements.

D)It helps learners gain a more complete understanding of something.


Which of the following is NOT true about the relationship between autonomous learning and collaborative learning?

A)Autonomous learning is the basis of collaborative learning.

B)Collaborative learning is more important than autonomous learning.

C)Autonomous learning and collaborative learning are complementary.

D)Collaborative learning is the improvement and enhancement of autonomous learning.


What is the most urgent task to improve one's learning abilities?

A)To find out a new teaching mode.

B)To improve the technology related to the Internet.

C)To invest more in research on learning abilities.

D)To strengthen the collaboration between learners.


Passage A

Money, as an economic unit, is commonly referred to as currency which functions as a generally recognized medium of exchange for transactional purposes in an economy. It was first established to replace bartering exchanging goods or services for other goods or services instead of using money. The double coincidence of wants is a ubiquitous problem in a barter economy, where in order to trade, each party must have something that the other party wants. So the appearance of monetary currency helps overcome the problem.

At first, people found something that can exchange anything else as equivalents such as salt and shells. However, with the progress of human civilization, metals like gold and silver were used as money because they could be easily handled and their quantity can be easily ascertained.

It was found inconvenient as well as dangerous to carry gold and silver coins from place to place. So, the invention of paper money marked a very important stage in the development of money. At present, a very large part of money consists mainly of currency notes or paper money issued by the central bank.

Emergence of credit money took place almost side by side with that of paper money. People keep part of their cash as deposits with banks, which they can withdraw at their convenience through checks. The check itself is not money, but it performs the same functions as money.

Now in the digital age comes digital money. Digital money, which is exchanged using technologies such as smartphones and online cryptocurrency exchanges, is similar in concept and use to cash in that it can be a unit of account and a medium for daily transactions. However, compared with cash, digital money can make currency transfers across borders easier and faster.

Looked at in this way, money is just an abstract idea about how much something is worth, and it becomes more abstract in the electronicage. Perhaps the future of money is that it will disappear altogether. Who knows?


Whats the problem in a barter economy?

A)People did not need many goods and services.

B)There were not many goods and services to be exchanged.

C)It was difficult for people to find the goods or services they wanted.

D)To tradeeach party must have something that the other party wants.


Whats the reason for metals being used as money according to the passage?

A)They are more expensive.

B)They can last for a long time.

C)They are more common in life.

D)Their quantity can be easily ascertained.


Which of the following is true about credit money?

A)Credit money appeared before paper money.

B)Credit money appeared after paper money.

C)Credit money is issued by the central bank.

D)Credit money performs the same functions as money.


Compared with cash, which of the following is NOT true about digital money?

A)Digital money can also be a unit of account.

B)Digital money is used by more people in life.

C)Digital money makes daily transactions easier and faster.

D)Digital money also functions as a medium for daily transactions.


What is the passage mainly about?

A)The features of money.

B)The definition of money.

C)The development of money.

D)The understanding of money.

四、Part IV Blank Filling

答题要求 :

Directions: In this part of the test, there are ten blanks. You are required to choose one word for each blank from a list of choices given in the word bank below to complete the passage. Read the pas...


Adults with low skills in language, literacy, and numeracy (LLN) are numerous in many countries. They include early school leavers, older learners who have not used their __1__ over time, and immigrant or refugee learners. The consequences of these low foundational skills affect the economy, health, and social well-being of __2__ families, and communities. Investment in adult education is therefore __3__. But what is known about whether and how LLN programs are __4__ the needs of different learners?

There is a study looking __5__ into the programs for adult LLN learners, with the focus on formative assessment, thats to say, the frequent __6__ of learnersunderstanding and progress to __7__ their needs and shape teaching and learning. Based on the gathered __8__, exemplary case studies, and international literature reviews, the study __9__ the impact and implementation of different teaching, learning, and assessment practices for adult LLN learners; the way innovative programs address the very diverse needs and goals of this __10__; and the policies that support or hinder effective practice.




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