


admin    2022-07-24    633

1. Fill in the blanks (1*16=16)

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(1) To establish business relations with prospective dealers is extremely significant for both a new dealer and an old one in enlarging their (                     ) and (                   ). The fact that customers matter a lot is a (                      ) in business circles. Therefore, companies try every means to (                ) all the necessary information about a (                 ) and a new customer.

(2) A letter of enquiry asks someone for (                               ). In some cases, such as a request for (                     ), the recipient will have a clear interest in (                   ) your letter.

(3) A quotation is a (                       ) of promise (submitted  usually in response to a request for quotation) by (                            ) to supply the goods or services required by a buyer, at (                      ), and within a (                     ).

(4) Counter-offer is the (                          ) in a business deal. When the seller and buyer cannot agree on (                  ) of the other party, they can use counter-offers to express their regret or suggest on meeting each other (                      ). Business terms should be (                      ) gradually in this process until the final deal is made.


2. Write letters according to requirements (6*5=30)

(1) Establish business relationships

(2) Compose an enquiry 

(3) Make a firm offer

(4) Make a counter offer  

(5) Acceptance of an order


3.Answer the following questions (6*4=24)

(1) what is non-firm offer and tied aid?

(2) Should Huawei follow or decline CFIUS’s recommendation to abandon the purchase of 3Leaf assets?

(3) Should Huawei abandon its attempts to gain a position in the U.S. market altogether?

(4) If Huawei chooses to continue to pursue a position in the U.S. market, what is the best strategy to counter the negative perception that has stalled their growth there?


4. Draft a sales confirmation (10)


5. Were there legitimate reasons for the U.S. government to intervene? If so, what should Huawei do to ameliorate these concerns? (10)


6.Make a comment on the relationship between government and trade ?(10)



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